Uzbekistan Vol.3

101 pics

Uzbekistan Vol.3

After leaving Samarqand for a night stop in Kyzil Kum desert (see Vol 1.), we headed on towards Buchara and Chiwa, to complete the uzbek „quartet“. In both cities we again enjoyed a lot of history and architecture, impressive buildings in which are 800-1100 years old. Amazing end of our journey: The flight back to Tashkent :-)

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Uzbekistan Vol.3

Uzbekistan Vol.1

120 pics

Uzbekistan Vol.1

The capital(s): Tashkent and Samarqand. We arrived and visited Tashkent first. After 5 days of hiking (see Vol.2) we continued to Samarqand. The two very important cities combined in 1 album. 1/3 is from Tashkent and 2/3 are from Samarqand. Thereafter, we shortly stopped by a Yurt Camp in Kyzil Kum desert before heading on to Buchara and Chiwa (see Vol.3).

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Uzbekistan Vol.1